child sponsor missions missionary ministry
In Nicaragua, a cycle kid is a student that has failed a grade and is trying to take two grades at the same time. They’re usually older than the other kids and in a lower grade, i.e. 12 years old and in fourth/fifth grade. The grades […]
missions, ministry, mission trip, nicaragua, short term trip
What is an Enrichment Center? In the United States, Enrichment Centers exist to come alongside schools and homeschool families to add value to the overall education of the student. On any given day you can find classes in French, guitar, etiquette, coding, or any other plethora […]
school, mission trip, poor, youth, outreach, teen
Our goal is for Enrichment Centers in Nicaragua to stengthen local schools. In order to understand how, first we need to understand what some of the major challenges are to local schools in Nicaragua and how Enrich Missions is battling them. Challenge: Lack of resources  The standard public […]
aiding the local school mission trip christian
Education Mission Trip We love education. It has the power to change lives, provide a future, and replace despair with hope. We love coming alongside the local school system to assist with necessary classroom consumables like chalk and markers. We love to sit with kids who […]
school, public, nicaragua, teachers, ministry, outreach
Working with Public School Teachers in Nicaragua   The public teachers in Nicaragua is facing a crisis. They love their kids and want to help them learn. They know the only way to break the cycle of poverty is through education. They have spent time and […]
Why do we do what we do? Why are we helping the communities local schools? [tweetthis url=””]We see some of the most impoverished people struggling to attend school.[/tweetthis] We’ve been richly blessed in our lives. We’ve seen and experienced things in our missionary journey that has […]